Chords for Songs in Key of G
Here's a listing of chords (with diagrams and images) we've gone over in our Worship Guitar Small Group that related to songs played in the Key of G.
I'll also add alternative chords here that may not be in blog posts. These alternative chords would be for more intermediate players.
G Major Chord

C Major

E Minor

D Major

Variations of G chords, Starting from G and 'walking up the scale'...
I'll also add alternative chords here that may not be in blog posts. These alternative chords would be for more intermediate players.
G Major Chord
C Major
E Minor
D Major
Variations of G chords, Starting from G and 'walking up the scale'...
Remember with the 'picking only' chords below, you middle finger and ring finger NEVER MOVE. They are always on the same fret, same string when you change chords between the G, C, D, Em of the 'picking only' category.
G (to play in conjunction with C/G)
Gmaj7 (below)
Gmaj7 (picking only below)
Gsus2 (below)
Am7 (below)
Am (below)
G/B (below)
Caug4 (below)
Caug4 (picking only below)
C6 (below)
C/G (below)
Dsus2 (below)
Dsus4 (below)
Dmaj7 (picking only below)
Em7 (below)
Em7 (picking only - below)
D/F# (below)
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