Other Chords in G (used with picking)

Here’s some other chords in the key of G that I use A LOT when I play with a band. I use these chords for slower songs - they only sound good when you pick them. Strum them, and they sound terrible. Pick them, and they sound fantastic. There are two main reasons I use them as much as I do when playing with a band:
  1. They utilize another ‘anchor’ with my fingers. Two fingers never move with all the chord changes.
  2. They sound absolutely fantastic on guitar when you are playing with someone else
Here’s the chords:
          G (1)                            C (4)                                D (5)                          Em (6)

NOTE: The ring finger and the middle finger NEVER MOVE with any of these chords


The picking pattern is simply picking from lowest to highest strings paying attention to the 1 string that should not be picked (the triangle)

Notice the anchor (my middle and ring fingers) is the same as my Em.



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