First Post & Get Together
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to the Worship Guitar Small Group Blog!
I thought that since we'll playing songs and learning about guitar and a bit of music theory and things, it might be handy to have everything available for you on the web - so here we are!
Common musical scales have 8 notes. Most popular songs, including worship songs are written using 4 chords that are built off of certain note numbers in these scales. Those note numbers are: 1, 4, 5, 6. Put together in a little graphic with two common scales as examples, it looks like this:
If you were playing a song in the key of G, you’d find that the majority of the chords you were using were G, C, D, or Em

Welcome to the Worship Guitar Small Group Blog!
I thought that since we'll playing songs and learning about guitar and a bit of music theory and things, it might be handy to have everything available for you on the web - so here we are!
Here's links to chord charts for the songs we went over (or we'll be practicing in the future)
- My Redeemer Lives - Key of E
- How He Loves - Key of E
- How Great is Our God - Key of G
- Open the Eyes of My Heart - Key of E
- Lord, I Need You - Key of E
Guitar Basics (link to this info below in a document)
Common musical scales have 8 notes. Most popular songs, including worship songs are written using 4 chords that are built off of certain note numbers in these scales. Those note numbers are: 1, 4, 5, 6. Put together in a little graphic with two common scales as examples, it looks like this:
If you were playing a song in the key of G, you’d find that the majority of the chords you were using were G, C, D, or Em
G C D Em
If you were playing a song in the key of E, you’d find that the majority of the chords you were using
were E, A, B, or C#m
E A B C#m
Simple strumming for most songs also goes to a count of eight down-strokes/strums. Accents (hard strums) are on counts 1, 4, and 7, like this:
Perry, thanks for your leadership yesterday! And it was definitely enjoyable meeting a great bunch of fellow Journey-ers. I'm looking forward to next week!